We at Faith United Pentecostal Church at 3600 Caton Farm Rd. want to extend to you a very warm invitation to come and visit our church. We believe that in this day the Lord wants people to be blessed and feel His presence. We believe that sincere people and families are looking for a place to worship that really offers a change of life with power from the supernatural to help. God is supernatural! We at Faith United Pentecostal Church have experienced this change and want you to feel the warmth and depth of Jesus in a very real and personal way. We welcome you to worship with us!
Sunday Morning Worship / Service: 10:00am
Everyone gathers in the Sanctuary for a time of heartfelt praise and lively worship.
Youth and children classes have been discontinued till further notice. All families are seated together in the sanctuary.
Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 pm
This is the time for worship, singing, and heartfelt preaching. Come enjoy the presence of the Lord, for He is in the midst to bless!
Thursday Bible Study: 7:00pm
Come worship with us as we prepare to open our hearts as we open the Bible together.
Free Home Bible Study
We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity which can be done right in your own home or at the church. Do not hesitate to ask for details.
Email: FaithUPCJoliet@yahoo.com